Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)
Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Jaffna adapting a new structure, incorporating the provisions of the credit valued system with the re-structuring of existing External Degree Programme as per the Commission circular no 932.
As far as the Art stream in G.C.E.(A/L) is concerned, there are lot of students have not provided with the opportunity to begin their higher studies in conventional universities, though they have earned good results in G.C.E.(A/L) (even 3As).
BFA. – External Degree Program is introduced as an alternative for studentswho qualified in G.C.E.(A/L) and those who possess adequate academic requirement for higher studies but did not get opportunities for pursuing a higher study in Sri Lankan National University System. This external degree programme is also a promising way to meet the various demands from either the private or government sectors.
Objectives of the Degree Programme
- To equip the learner to perform as an Artist.
- To entertain (the viewers), preserve and transform the Art to the next generation.
- To appreciate other Art and cultures in order to maintain social harmony among and between the ethnic groups of Sri Lanka and the World.
Learning Outcomes of the Degree Programme
- To provide Knowledge, Skills, and the relevant stage Ethics (Attitude and Mindset), thus, to cover up all three elements (KASM) required for the stage performer.
Structure of Degree Program
All study programs have designed to suit the semester based course unit system and Grade Point Average (GPA) evaluation and marking scheme.Degrees
The Faculty of Arts offers the following Degree programs.
- BFA. general Degree program of 03 years duration. (SLQF level – 05)
- BFA. special degree program of 04 years duration. (SLQF level – 06)
The General Degree program offers a minimum of 90 credits, to be completed within a period of 03 years. (06 semesters of 20 weeks duration including examination period), with provision to extend up to a maximum of 06 years, depending on the students choice.
The Special Degree program offers minimum of 120 credits, to be completed within a period of 04 years. (08 semesters of 20 week duration including examination period), with provision to extend maximum of 08 years, depending on the students choice.
One theory credit is equivalent to 30 hours of contact hours (face to face instructions, tutorial, lab classes, if any, online or computer based learning, independent learning and examinations). [fruitful_tabs type=”accordion” width=”100%” fit=”false”] [fruitful_tab title=”CURRICULUM AND CREDIT STRUCTURE”]
The Subject Area
The study program consists of Core courses in Principal subject area/s Supplementary courses and Foundation course Unitsin subjects of emerging importance.
Core Courses: The compulsory courses (Core) are defined by the study program for the general special degree. The core/compulsory courses consist minimum of 65% weightage (78 credits for 4year course and 58 credits for 3 year course) of the study program.
Foundation courses: These courses are compulsory for all learners and consist of 20% weightage (24 credits) of the study programme.
Supplementary Courses: The courses consisting minimum of 15% weightage ( 18 credits for 4 year course and 14 credits for 3 year course) of the study program and supplement the study program based on the student choice Supplementary courses are given in the basket 1.
Learner’s Course Load
Credit value of Core course units of principal subjects, Foundation and Supplementary courses.
[ninja_tables id=”2926″]Selection of course Unit
First year
- In the first year, learners choose course units aggregating to 30 credits in the following manner,
- 1. Core units in principal subject (Major subject) having total credit value Eighteen and
- 2. Foundation course units, aggregating to six credits and
- 3 .Supplementary course units, aggregating to six credits.
- In the second year, learners choose course units aggregating to 30 credits in the following manner,
- 1. Core units in principal subject (Major subject) having total credit value Eighteen and
- 2. Foundation course units, aggregating to six credits and
- 3. Supplementary course units, aggregating to six credits.
- In the third year, learners choose course units aggregating to 30 credits in the following manner,
- 1. Course units in principal subject (Major subject) having total credit value twenty-one and
- 2. Foundation course units, aggregation to nine credits
- In the fourth year, learners choose course units aggregating to 30 credits in the following manner,
- 1. Core units in principal subject (Major subject) having total credit value twenty-one and
- 2. Foundation course units, aggregating to three credits and
- 3.Supplementary course units, aggregating to six credits.
- The learner has to consult the respected Head of the department to assign a supervisor when selecting the title for the Dissertation. Head of the department will assign a supervisor from the department. After the approval of the title by the head, on the recommendation of the supervisor, the learner shall start the project work and submit it to the External Examination unit on or before the scheduled date that will be notified for them. It will be evaluated by two examiners.
- 1. at least three passes in all three approved subjects in one sitting and
- 2. a minimum mark of 30% for the Common General Paper
The relevant departments will conduct a practical examination and list of candidates will be sent to the UGC. Eligibility of learners for the next stage of selectionshould be determined on the basis of rank order on average Z – Scores obtained by candidates at the GCE A/L Examination.
UGC will decide minimum Z- Score required to become eligible for consideration of various courses of study after finalizing the number of learners that can be accommodated to the course of study. Any other qualification for the admission of few percentages of learners for the BFA. degree programme shall be considered by the Senate.
Other requirements/qualifications shall be considered.
- I. Diploma holders of the National College of Education
- II. Teachers from government Schools who were trained in the Training Colleges
- III. The candidates who possess a pass in N.C.O.M.S fifth grade and at least three passes in GCE A/L examination in one sitting and a minimum mark 30% for the Common General Paper.
- IV. Any other relevant and equal qualifications determine by the Senate
The assessment consists of formative and summative components. Final evaluation would be a combination of summative and formative assessments.
A.Formative Assessment (30%)
The Formative carry 30% of total marks of the course unit- 1. Continuous assessments (such as MCQs, Online exams, Presentations, Online presentations, One-word answers, Music practical, Oral exams, Discussion forums, assignments, and Small projects.)
- 2. Continuous Assessments are compulsory component to all learners.
- 3. The Regular Attendance carries 5 % of the total marks. Irregular attendees should not be given any marks out of 5%.
- 4. 60% of formative assessments (i.e., minimum of 18 marks) are essential to all learners to sit the end-semester Examination.
B.Summative Assessments (End Semester Examination)
The summative assessments carry 70% of total marks of the course unitGrading Scale
Learner performance is graded on a 4-point scale, which ranges from A (Excellent) to E (Fail). The grading scale is shown in following table.
[ninja_tables id=”2083″]Grade Point Average
The Grade Point Average (GPA) is a numerical representation of a learner’s overall academic achievement. The grade point average is the quotient obtained by dividing the total number of Grade Point earned by the total number of credit hours in which learners receive a letter grade. Decimals beyond two places are truncated, not rounded, in computing the Grade Point Average.
[ninja_tables id=”2913″]The formula for GPA calculation is given below,

- Theory Paper
- Number of questions to be answered.
- For Three-hour paper: Answer Five question out of Eight question
- For Two-hour paper: Answer Three question out of Five question
- Practical Unit Exam
- Minimum of five different question papers with equal weightage should be set for the end semester exam for each practical course units.
Eligibility requirements to sit for an End Semester Examination
All learners are expected to follow the regulations specified by the Senate to sit for each end-Semester examination. No learner shall be permitted to sit for an examination unless the Coordinator / Coordinators of the relevant course/courses has/have certified that he/she has completed the course of study for the Examination.
Learners who fail to sit for an examination without authorization or without valid reason shall be given grade in “E” that examination and shall forfeit all credit for that course.
A learner who is absent at an Examination on medical reasons shall submit a Medical certificate. The Medical certificate be recommended by the Government Medical Officer. This must be submitted to the Senior Assistant Registrar of the External examination unit within two weeks of ending the examination for the particular paper to be presented to the Relevant Board of the Senate for approval. Learners who absent himself/herself from a whole end semester examination on medical grounds should sit the examination at the next earliest opportunity and this will be treated as his/her first attempt. No medical reasons are accepted to exempt from the attendance requirements and formative assessments.
A learner who absent from a whole end semester examination without any valid reason shall be treated as he/she has used one chance.
Learners offering Special Degree Course in Carnatic Music should carry out the Dissertation at their Third year of study. The title of the Dissertation shall be approved by the supervisors who are assigned by the head of the department for the learners at the beginning of the Fourth year. The students are expected to commence their research activities from the beginning of the Fourth year First Semester course.
The Dissertation should be submitted to the Examination Branch at the end of the Fourth year second Semester academic programme and the Oral examination will be conducted by the respective Department during the Fourth year Second Semester examination period.
- Word limit: Disseration-14000-16000
- Conduct of and Projectsn and Preparation of the Project Report 60%
- Proposal Presentation 20%
- Final presentation-oral examination 20%
Title of the Examinations and Releasing of Results
Title of Semester Examinations
The Examinations conducted for the Degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts shall have the following titles
- First Examination in Fine Arts(External) (Year) – First/Second Semester
- Second Examination in Fine Arts (General Degree) (External) (Year) – First/Second Semester
- Third Examination in Fine Arts (General Degree) (External) (Year) – First / Second Semester
- Fourth Examination in Fine Arts (Special Degree) (External) (Year) – First / Second Semester
Releasing of Examination Results
The results of the in-course assessments should be placed in the notice board immediately after the assessments. The results of the end semester examination should be released within 2 months of the last exam of the semester.
Semester Examinations
* The Administrative structure for Admission, Examination and other functions of the Centre in relation to the degree programme shall be submitted later
Repeating Course
No end semester examination conducted by the faculty will be repeated. A repeat student must complete all requirements for that course in which it is repeated.
[/fruitful_tab] [fruitful_tab title=”COMPLETION OF DEGREE “]Requirements for Graduation
In order to graduate with the Bachelor’s degree, a learner shall have
- 1.The minimum total number of credits to be earned by appearing Examinations for all course units, stipulated in section 2, should be 120 for Special Degree.
- 2.Earn a minimum overall GPA of not less than 2.0 for the entire Degree program and
- 4.Fulfilled the entire requirement mentioned above, within a maximum of 8 academic years to special Degree program from the academic year of original enrolment in the university other than approved medical withdrawal.
Award of Class
A learner shall fulfill all the following requirements in order to be awarded a Degree with Class.
First Class
The learner shall have earned an overall GPA 3.7 and above.
Second Class (Upper Division)
The learner shall have earned on overall GPA 3.30 – 3.69
Second Class (Lower Division)
The learner shall have earned on overall GPA 3.0 – 3.29
The learner shall have earned on overall GPA 2.0 and above
Learners offering Special Degree Programme shall have fulfilled these requirements within four academic years from the first academic year of registration for eligibility of Class, other than approved valid reason.
The effective date of Degree
The effective date of the Degree shall be the last date of the stipulated examination period on which 4th year Second Semester examination concludes, for Special Degree. For the repeat candidates the effective date of the Degree shall be the last date of the completion of the failed course unit.
[/fruitful_tab] [/fruitful_tabs]