
Advanced Certificate in Inclusive Delivery for Sustainable Peace

Tamil Hybrid (Face-To-Face and Online) In-person class


Six Months




  1. Demonstrate substantive knowledge in pluralism ,non-violent communication and non-bureaucratic approaches
  2. Value widespread perspectives on the role ofinclusiveservicedeliveryinsustainablepeace-buildingandreconciliation
  3. Integrate ideas, concepts ,theories and real field experiences·
  4. Appreciate the pluralism and diversity of the service users ‘communities
  5. Familiarize students with best practices in inclusive service delivery·
  6. Develop competencies in non-violent communication skills· Strive for the betterment of diverse communities and promote the value of diversity, equity, equality


Students must have prior job experience in the sectors responsible for delivering government services in order to enroll in this certificate program. The front-line employees of the government are the primary target audience. However, if a student at the relevant university plans to work for the government in the future, they are also urged to enroll in this certificate programme.

For admission to Sri Lankan universities, applicants must meet the bare minimum standards. Students will be chosen based on their G.C.E.A.L. performance, and if necessary ,they will also participate in an interview and admission exam

The prerequisite for the start of a new programme is the enrollment of 40 students, which is the required minimum.

TheFrontline Government Staff Members who can apply for this Programme are;

  • Government Servants (GS) Development Officers Women Development Officers
  • Samurdhi Officers Economic Development Officers ·Early Childhood Development Officers
  • Elder Right Promotion Officer
  • Child Protection Officers ·Child Probation officers
  • Officers in the Planning Service
  • Officers working in the Plantation Sector and other marginalized groups
  • Officers in the Agricultural Service
  • Officers in the SriLanka Administrative Service